Multiverse Stories

     This blog was created for the 2018 spring class for Lit of Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy course at Ringling College of Art and Design. In this blog I will talk about the books we read and what they mean to me personally. If you have come across this blog and have not read the book I am talking about this week, I will warn you now that I will spoil it.
     This week is about Multiverse. With the creation of science fiction also came the idea of different worlds from our own where life exists. Not all science fiction, after all, has to take place in the future. Some takes place in other universes that may have had different evolutionary tracks from our own. For example, in the story Aye, and Gomorrah Part of the earth's population simply has no gender. The story has male and female Frelks, and then you have spacers who have no gender, who profit off of the curiosity of the frelks. The frelks are fascinated by the aspect of no gender, and many of them want to have sexual relations with a spacer to see what it is like. So many spacers use this as a way to earn extra money on the side, because without gender sex means nothing to them, so it's pretty much free cash from their perspective. 
     Multiverse stories are probably the most popular in sci-fi because it gives more freedom on what is possible. It is the very opposite of scientific fiction because almost none of it is still based in facts known to us. It is the height of creative freedom, which gives writers more room to talk about what they want to talk about, no matter how odd it is. 


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